Urban and rural governance

小编 / 2024-06-17

Application Scenarios:

Natural disaster emergency rescue (lighting coverage, signal coverage, power coverage, high-speed search, effective evacuation, precision rescue in disaster areas)

Emergency control and handling (prevention and control of emergencies such as public security, transportation, tourism, and epidemics)

Urban and rural cold chain logistics (medical cold chain, fresh fruits, agricultural and sideline products)

Medical emergency care (medicine to the countryside, first aid for patients)

Forest fire prevention and fire extinguishing (all-weather fire prevention inspection, rapid response and real-time alarm, accurate fire extinguishing, and early and small firefighting)

Environmental governance (real-time water conservation, soil and water conservation inspection, river management, forest animal and plant diversity inspection and protection, understory crop inspection, mountain and river, lake and river forest field monitoring, air monitoring)

Land Resources Exploration (Land Planning and Resource Management, Topographic and Geomorphological Surveying and Mapping, Geological and Mineral Resources Exploration)

Infrastructure patrol (electricity, water supply, communications, gas facilities and equipment and aboveground and underground pipeline monitoring, patrol and maintenance)

Rural logistics and distribution system (including cold chain logistics of agricultural products, promote the integrated development of rural passengers, goods and mail, help the high-quality development of rural e-commerce, and provide multi-channel employment channels for rural labor. )
